Inconvenience, Pantypooping is the act of leaking poop while wearing clothes. Mana was patient with the feces of the jejunum, but he came to a limit and leaked large feces into the short bread of denim. In the underwear of marina, contamination of feces spreads and sticks to the buttocks. The embarrassment that can be seen in the form of a bladder overflows with white muddy mucus from the bladder. In a room prepared to enjoy the defeiting by one person, wear cloth diaper and defecate like a baby. Fuzzy insertion wearing a white squeaky leotard. The ass of a thin cloth is inflated by the stool mass of bichobicho. In order to clean the intestines, 500 cc of fine hot water is put in and out of the anus with a special fistula. The warm water coming back from the rectum into the vagina gradually becomes brownish and turbid, eventually spewing out the turbulent current with the momentum to divert into the camera lens.