<Revenge on a dangerous man who took the business talk seriously begins! 1I wanted to meet the cabaret, Ichiba Hoshinomiya, so he seized the money that he had saved and went to the shop. Smooth appearance, behavior and speech as if you liked yourself. i want to taste this time again... A cabaret is a place to look out for. i'll borrow money, go to the store and spend money... And it was punk, but I'm sure Ichiba will meet you privately if you can make everything come true. The reaction that came back to me even though I thought so was a stigma of dirty words. The man was deeply hurt by the remarks that he did not see him as a decent person, and decided to revenge. One flower is abducted with the glaze purchased online. I will continue to be jealous of a deceptive woman who does not think that it is the reaction of the number one woman!